Family Portrait

Max is a little too fat to fit. He tried though.

This is his usual position when we watch television.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Obviously it has been a while since we have posted anything. Joel is responsible for the first two posts. :) Life is pretty much steady right now. I have an awesome summer job working at Appalachian Outfitters in Dahlonega. Its really great because it allows me to be outside, meet new people, read some books, and the greatest thing is I don't have to FOLD CLOTHES and deal with hangers!! Retail is not my thing.....however, I do like to shop:)

Anyway...if you read my "about me" section you saw that I mentioned our children. Just to give you a picture of how cute and precious they are here is our family portrait from Easter this year.
I am holding Chloe and Joel is holding Max. They really make every day interesting. Their grandparents are so proud!


Bethany O'Bryant said...

Hey, so Max and Cloe look extra huge in those pics..maybe they should go on a diet, or some sort of eating plan...seriously Max may need a wheelchair soon. At least get them a treadmill or some sort of exercise equipment if your not going to let them outside. Maybe the Adkins Diet would be good for them, well, they are cats and need meat and Carbs, so maybe South Beach, personally I'm a big fan of the Zone...check that one out for them. No, no, I think they should do the Maker's Diet...that's my true fav. Whatever you do, know that they will live longer if they loose a few pounds, eat a little healthier and exercise 3- 5 days a week. Docs orders!

Bethany O'Bryant said...


Erin Ashley said...

YAY!!! I was so glad to see updates on the blog! I miss you guys! And by te way your cats are so cute! i love the picture of one of them trying to sneak out of the window. That's a classic cat move. We must get together soon!

Rachael Walkup said...

WOW! It's been forever!!!!

Erin Ashley said...

Hope you're doing well!

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